Some time ago, Jezz Santos blogged about how the software factory community, as he knew it, seemed to be contentrated in the Netherlands. That he mentioned me made me feel good of course, but I also realized that being close to so many leading people in the software factory field (outside MS that is), is a great opportunity to participate in a vibrant community.
Anyway, here I was six months later, at the Service Factory Customization workshop which is held in the Netherlands, which a good portion of the Dutch software factory community used as a pretext to exchange experiences and look at each other’s factories.
I had a great time there, some of the attendees were even allowed to present some of their own factory work (Don and Olaf were very accommodating to doing whatever gave us most value, which was really nice of them). I also presented a short flyby of the Macaw Solutions Factory (look for more posts on our factory here soon… no really). For some more details on the workshop and what we demoed to each other, see Serge’s post on it.
After the attendees presented their work, I asked Don about how the Dutch compare to what he had seen in the factories area globally, and Don confirmed what Santos said: the Dutch are at the leading edge. Sweet 😉
So, I consider myself lucky, being at the right place at the right time. I’m really looking forward to what all these smart and passionate people are going to do to realize the factories vision, which is also my mission / job / hobby :-). We live in interesting times…