26 Nov 2009

Managing Environment-Specific web.config, app.config and EntLib Config Files

When you need to deploy a solution to multiple environments (e.g. separate Development, Test, Acceptation and Production or DTAP environments), you often have a set of environment-specific settings that you need to manage. Since version 2.1 the Macaw Solutions Factory supports...
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02 Nov 2009

Detect 32 or 64 bits Windows – regardless of WoW64 – with the PowerShell OSArchitecture function

In 64-bits versions of Windows Operating Systems, a subsystem called Windows on Windows 64 (WoW64) enables you to run 32 bits applications. Even to date, many Windows applications only exist in a 32 bits version – not the least of which is Microsoft’s own Visual Studio(!)...
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27 Oct 2009

Call inline C# from PowerShell with InvokeCSharp

Out of the box PowerShell 1.0 makes it very easy to call any managed code in an assembly. However, one of the strong points of a scripted language such as PowerShell is that you can debug and extend it in any environment without the need for development tools or additional source...
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15 Sep 2009

Factory Feature – Create Component

With Create Component you can quickly add instances of the sample template components to your existing solution. You simply select the component type and specify the name of the new component; all other actions are automated. The component is created automatically in the correct...
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